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Our focus is centered on the deep healing physical and emotional aspects of touch.

Balanced Massage

This is a customized massage that utilizes the blending of Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial stretches, kneading and manipulating the stressed muscles along with cranial stretches. This is the perfect modality to relieve the stress and tightness caused by your hectic life by promoting relaxation and a deep state of tranquility.

60 minutes$85.00
90 minutes$110.00

Relaxation Package

3 hours of massage for you to use to maintain relaxation and balance. You can use these 3 hours any way you'd like to meet your relaxation needs. You can make a 30 minute appointment one day, an hour appointment another day and maybe you need an hour and a half another time. However you use your 3 hours is up to you.

3 hours$200.00

Wellness Package

Keep the healing going on through the season. Purchase a series of three 90 minute Balanced Massages to continue your healing.

4.5 hours$270.00
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